Balance September 30, 1902 ...$ 8,096 20
General Annual Appropria-
tion ................................ 12,100 00
Appropriation under chapter
259, 1896.......................... 2,000 00
Refund of expenses in extra-
dition case of M. Becken-
bangh, paid by-parties inter-
ested................................. 41 00
——————— $22,237 20
Salaries................................$ 5,945 01
Extradition.......................... 1,397 51
Office Spplies.................... 886 75
Telegraph and Telephone....... 463 66
Express ............................... 118 78
Advertising.......................... 719 96
Miscellaneous expenses.......... 698 71
Examining accounts ............. 300 00
Uniforms for employees......... 124 00
Repairs ..................... 39 50
Governors expenses .... ..... 1,635 47
Printing...................... 95 50
——————— $12,424 85
Balance September 30, 1903............... $ 9,812 35
Since my last message to the General Assembly
three hundred and fifty-three applications for pardons
have been filed, and one hundred and fifty granted.
Of this number sixty-five were undergoing punish-
ment for trivial offenses, such as unlawfully riding on
cars, simple assault and other misdemeanors, and were
fined or else imprisoned for a short time only. Two
pardons were granted where application was made un-
der former administrations. Three nolle prosequi have