1904.] OF THE SENATE. 35
The direct State taxes are exceedingly light, and it
could scarcely be hoped to reduce the rate further
without repudating our obligations to the creditors of
the State or to the children of the State in failing to
provide them proper opportunities to acquire public
school educations.
As required by law, I herewith beg to submit a
statement of my contingent fund account for the past
two fiscal years, ending September 30, 1902.
Balance, Sept. 30, 1901...........$ 6,781 52
Annual appropriation......... 11,800 00
Appropriation under Chapter
259, 1896 ........................ 2,000 00
Refund of expenses in extradi-
dition cavse, paid by parties
interested ................. ...... 40 15
Refund from John Flood, over-
paid ice bill................... 5 00
Forward...................... $20,576 67
Brought forward............................... $20,676 67
Salaries...............................$ 5,610 51
Extradition................. ....... 84619
Office Supplies.................... 926 39
Telegraph and Telephone....... 432 77
Express............................... 101 28
Advertising......................... 1,031 20
Miscellaneous............... ... 1,59689
Examining Accounts ........ 128 75
Uniforms for employees......... 148 50
Repaiis............................... 398 23
Printing.............................. 256 00
Governor's Expenses ........... 1,003 96
——————— $12,480 47
Balance September 30, 1902 .............. $ 8,096 20