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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 775   View pdf image (33K)
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1892.] OF THE SENATE. 775

the valuations and assessments directed to be made
by this Act, except as to the counties hereinbefore
otherwise provided for in section one hundred
and sixty-four, for which they shall be
appointed as set forth in section one hundred and
sixty-four as to said counties, each of said
assessors to be appointed shall be a property owner
and a taxpayer and shall have resided in the ward or
wards or in the assessment district for which he shall
have been appointed for at least two years before his
said appointment, and shall have adequate knowledge
of the value of property in the assessment district for
which he shall be appointed, provided that all asses-
sors to be appointed under this Act shall be appointed
by the Governor by and with the advice and consent
of the Senate.

167. That the Governor of the State, by and with
the advice and consent of the Senate, shall also ap-
point three suitable persons in each county having
adequate knowledge of the value of property therein,
who shall be a Board of Control and Review for said
county; he shall also appoint three suitable persons
in the first four wards of Baltimore city, who shall fee
a Board of Control and Review for the first four wards
of said city. The said Board shall be known as the
Board of Control and Review for Baltimore city,
number one. He shall also appoint three suitable
persons in the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth wards
of Baltimore city, who shall be a Board of Control
and Review for the said fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth
wards. The said Board shall be known as the Board
of Control and Review for Baltimore city, number
two. He shall also appoint three suitable persons in
the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twefth wards of Balti-
more city, who shall be a Board of Control and Re-
view for the said ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth
wards. The said Board shall be known as the Board
of Control and Review of Baltimore city, number three.
He shall also appoint three suitable persons in the
thirteenth, fourteenth, nineteenth and twentieth wards
of Baltimore city, who shall be a Board of Control and
Review for the said thirteenth, fourteenth, nineteenth
and twentieth wards. The said Board shall be known.
as the Board of Control and Review for Baltimore city,


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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 775   View pdf image (33K)
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