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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 776   View pdf image (33K)
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number four. He shall also appoint three suitable
persons in the fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth and
eighteenth wards of Baltimore city, who shall be a
Board of Control and Review for the said fifteenth,
sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth wards. The said
Board shall be known as the Board of Control and
Review for Baltimore city, number five. He shall
also appoint three suitable persons in the twenty-first
and twenty-second wards of said city, to be a Board of
Control and Review for said twenty-first and twenty-
second wards of said city. The said Board shall be
known as the Board of Control and Review for Balti-
more city, number six; each of the said persons so
appointed to be members of the said respective Boards
of Control and Review, shall be property owners and
taxpayers, and shall have resided in the county, or in
one or more of the wards of the city of Baltimore for
which he is appointed, for at least two years before
his said appointment, and shall have adequate
knowledge of the value of property in the locality for
which they are appointed, and all members of the
Board of Control and Review provided for in this
Act, except appointments to fill vacancies after the
adjournment of the Senate, shall be made by the
Governor by and with the advice and consent of the

168. That the assessors appointed under this Act,
and each person appointed under this Act, as one of
a Board of Control and Review, shall receive the
sum of three dollars and fifty cents, except those ap-
pointed for Baltimore city, whose compensation shall
be five dollars per day for every day of actual services
by him performed under this Act. Each Board of
Control and Review appointed for any county in this
State shall have the right to appoint a clerk, who
shall receive for each day of actual service as such
clerk, the sum of three dollars and fifty cents per day,
and who shall be subject to removal at the pleasure
of said board; each Board of Control and Review
appointed for the city of Baltimore, shall have
the right to appoint two clerks to said board,
who shall each receive for each day of actual
service as such clerks, the sum of three dollars
and fifty cents per day, and shall each be subject to


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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 776   View pdf image (33K)
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