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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 774   View pdf image (33K)
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assessors at large, for said county, in assessing all the
property herein required to be assessed in the election
districts only, for which he shall be so appointed.

165. And be it enacted, That if any election district
or districts, or any part or parts of the territory of
any county is not or are not included in any assess-
ment district provided by this Act, the same shall be
included in such assessment district or respective
assessment districts as the Governor of this State shall

166. And be it enacted, That the Governor of the
State, by and with the advice and consent of the Sen-
ate, shall appoint three suitable persons from the
aforesaid first assessment district of the city of Balti-
more, three from the aforesaid second assessment dis-
trict, three from the aforesaid third assessment dis-
trict of said city, three from the aforesaid fourth
assessment district of said city, three from the afore-
said fifth assessment district of saio city, three from
the aforesaid sixth assessment district of said city
three from the aforesaid seventh assessment district
of said city, and three from the aforesaid eighth
assessment district of said city, three from the afore-
said ninth assessment district of said city, three from
the aforesaid tenth assessment district of said city,
three from the aforesaid eleventh assessment
district of said city, three from the aforesaid
twelfth assessment district of said city, three from the
aforesaid thirteenth assessment district of said city,
three from the aforesaid fourteenth assessment dis-
trict of said city, three from the aforesaid fifteenth
assessment district of said city, three from the afore-
said sixteenth assessment district of said city, three
from the aforesaid seventeenth assessment district of
said city, three from the aforesaid eighteenth assess-
ment district, of said city, three from the afore-
said ninteenth assessment district of said city,,
three from the aforesaid twentieth assessment district
of said city, three from the aforesaid twenty-first
assessment district of said city, and three from the
aforesaid twenty-second assessment district of said
city, three from each of the aforesaid assessment dis-
tricts in the several counties of this State, to make in,
the said respective wards and assessment districts;


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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 774   View pdf image (33K)
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