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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 766   View pdf image (33K)
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purposes, the State Tax Commissioner shall certify to-
the County Commissioners of each county where any
of such respective stockholders may reside, and to
the Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore city, if any of
said stockholders or shareholders reside in said city,
and the County Commissioners of the county in which,
such bank, corporation or Joint stock company is sit-
uated, or to the Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore city,
if it is situated in said city, the assessed taxable
value of such respective shares of stock, or shares so
ascertained as aforesaid; and the said taxable values
of such respective shares of stock or shares
in such bank, corporation or joint stock companies,
owned by residents of this Sta e and taxable within
this State, shall, for county and municipal purposes,
be valued to the owner thereof in the county or city
in this State, in which such owners shall respectively
reside; and the said taxable value of such said stock
or shares as is held by non-residents of this State,
shall, for county and municipal purposes, be valued
to the owners thereof in the county or city in which
said bank, corporation or joint stock company is sit-
ated; but all county or municipal taxes assessed upon
said respective taxable values, of such respective
share of stock or shares shall be collected from such
bank, corporation or joint stock company, and when
so paid, shall be charged by such bank, corporation
or joint stock company, to the account of such stock-
holders or shareholders respectively; but it is expressly
provided, that all railroad companies worked by
steam, incorporated by or under the laws of this
State, and doing business in this State shall, respect-
ively, be subject to the annual State tax upon their
respective gross receipts within the State, prescribed
by section one hundred and forty-six of this Article,
which shall be paid and collected in the manner pro-
vided by this Article; and the real and personal tax-
able property belonging to such respective railroad
companies shall be subject to county and municipal
taxation in this State, in the respective counties and
cities in which such property is located; and where
such respective railroad companies are subject to such
gross receipts tax for State purposes, their share of
stock and real or personal property shall not be sub-
ject to taxation for State purposes; and where such


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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 766   View pdf image (33K)
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