1892.] OF THE SENATE. 765
this State, or doing business therein, and of every joint
stock company doing business in this State, shall
furnish to the County Commissioners of each county
in which such bank or other incorporated institution,
or joint stock company, shall own or possess any real
property, and to the Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore
city, if such bank or other incorporated institution,
or joint stock company, shall own or possess any real
property, and to the Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore
city, if such bank or other incorporated institution or
joint stock company shall own or possess any real
property in said city, a true statement of such real
property, situated or located in such county or city;
and such real property shall be valued and assessed by
said County Commissioners and Appeal Tax Court
respectively, to the said bank or incorporated institu-
tion or joint stock company so owning the same ; and
said County Commissioners and Appeal Tax Court
shall give duplicate certificate of sush valuation and
assessment to such president or other ofiicer, who shall
transmit one of such duplicate certificates with his re-
turn to the State Tax Commissioner, and State, county
and city tax shall be levied upon and paid by such
bank or other incorporated institution, or by such
joint stock company on such assessment in the same
manner as the same are levied upon and paid by indi-
vidual owners of real property in such county or city;
the respective taxable values of the shares of stock in
such banks, corporations and joint stock companies
shall be ascertained by the State Tax Commissioner
in the manner following: he shall deduct the assessed
value of such, real property belonging to the said re-
spective banks, corporations, or joint stock compan-
ies, from the aggregate value of all shares of such re-
spective banks, corporations or joint stock companies,
and divide the residue by the number of the shares
of the capital stock or shares of such respective banks,
corporations or joint stock companies, and the quo-
tient shall be the taxable value of each of such re-
spective shares for State purposes, and all State taxes
thereon shall be paid as provided in section eighty-
four of this article; and when the valuation and as-
sessment of the shares of the capital stock, or shares
of such bank, corporation or joint stock company
.shall have been finally determined or made for State