1892.] OF THE SENATE. 767
real and personal property of such respective railroad
companies is subiect to county and municipal taxa-
tion, their respective share of stock shall not be sub-
ject to county and municipal taxation. The provisions;
of this section as to such railroad companies, shall be
applicable to every telegraph or cable company, tele-
phone company, electric light or electric construction
company, every parlor, palace or sleeping car
company, every oil or pipe line company, every ex-
press or transportation company, by land or water,
every title insurance company, and every safe deposit,
trust, guarantee and fidelity company of every descrip-
tion, incorporated under any general or special law of
this State and doing business therein ; all of which,
said corporations of every kind shall be subject to the
State tax on their gross receipts particluarly specified,
in section one hundred and forty-six of this Article,
and the provisions of sections one hundred and forty-
seven to one hundred and fifty-five, both inclusive, of
this Article, applicable to railroad companies worked
by steam, shall be equally applicable to each and all
of said last above enumerated coporations, incorporated
under any general or special law of this State, and
doing business therein ; but the capital stock and
property of such corporations other than railroad com-
panies, shall be valued, assessed and taxed for county
and municipal purposes, like the capital stock and
property of other corporations under this Article ;
every unincorporated association, partnership or indi-
vidual engaged in any one or more of the above speci-
ally enumerated branches of business, shall be subject
to said gross receipts tax, and shall comply with all
the provisions of this Article with reference thereto,
as fully as if such association, partnership or indi-
vidual were a corporation.
146. A State tax, as a franchise tax, is hereby levied
annually upon the gross receipts of all railroad com-
panies worked by steam, incorporated by or under the
authority of this State and doing business therein,
and all repealable contracts by the State with such
railroads, and all repealable laws which impose a less
or different tax rate on gross receipts of such railroad
than the said tax on gross; receipts named in this sec-
tion or which may be hereafter imposed by law are
hereby repealed, such State tax being, as follows, to