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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 763   View pdf image (33K)
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1892.] OF THE SENATE. 763

produce of any land in the hands of the producer or
Ms agent, or to provisions and fuel kept for the use
and consumption of the family of the person to whom
the same shall belong, or to the working tools of me-
chanics, moved or worked exclusively by hand; or to
wearing apparel of any description, except watches,
diamonds and other costly jewelry not habitually
worn on the person, or to fish while in the possession
of the fisherman employed in catching, salting and
packing the same, or while in the possession of their
agents unsold; or to buildings, equipment and furni-
ture of hospitals, asylums, charitable or benevolent
institutions, or to the ground appurtenant thereto in
any city or incorporated town of this State, which is
necessary to the respective uses thereof; nor to the
buildings, equipments and furniture of hospitals,
asylums, charitable or benevolent institutions in any
county of this State, but not within any city or in-
corporated town in this State, nor to the ground not
exceeding forty acres appurtenant, respectively,
thereto, which is necessary for the respective uses
thereof ; nor to, the buildings, furniture, equipment or
libraries of incorporated educational or literary insti-
tutions, or to the ground appurtenant thereto, in any
city or incorporated town in this State, which is
necessary for the respective uses thereof; nor the
buildings, furniture equipment or libraries of incor-
porated educational or literary institutions in any
county of this State; nor to the ground not exceeding
forty acres, appurtenant, respectively, thereto, which,
is necessary for the respective uses thereof; nor the
real or personal property of any corporation incor-
porated by this State and having capital stock divided
into shares when said shares and real property of said
corporation are only subject to taxation under the
laws of this State; nor to any shares of stock in any
corporation, when said shares of stock are exempted
by irrepealable contract with this State from taxation
under the laws thereof; nor to any property of any
corporation whose shares of capital stock are ex-
empted from taxation when said property is protected
from taxation by the. exemption of said shares from
taxation; nor to the shares of stock of railroad com-
panies worked by steam, incorporated by or under the
laws of this State which are subject to State taxation


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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 763   View pdf image (33K)
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