porations shall be valued at their actual worth, as
other property in this State is required to be valued
under the provisions of this Act; the shares of capital
stock of National Banks located in this State, and of
other corporations incorporated under the laws of this
State, belonging to citizens of this State, shall be
valued to the owners thereof in the city of Baltimore
and in several counties of this State, at the same rate
:at which the same are valued by the State Tax Com-
missioner for the year eighteen hundred and ninety-
two ; and it shall be the duty of the State Tax Com-
missioner to furnish the assessors in the city of Balti-
more and of several counties with a copy of the assess-
ment of the shares of capital stock of each such bank
and other corporations of this State; all bonds and
certificates of debt bearing interest, issued by any
railroad or other corporation of this State, secured by
mortgage of property wholly within this State, shall
be subject to valuation, assessment and taxation to
the owner or owners thereof in the same manner as
like bonds or certificates of debt, bearing interest
and secured by mortgage of property partly in this
State and partly in some other State or States, are now
subject under the laws of this State, bat the taxes
thereon shall be paid by the corporation issuing such
bonds or certificates.
4. The provisions of sections 2 and 3 of this Article
shall not apply to any bonds or stock or evidence of
debt issued by the United States, or to any property
belonging to the United States or to this State, or to
any county or incorporated city or town in this State,
nor to houses or buildings used exclusively for public
worship, or to the furniture contained therein or to
the parsonages connected therewith, or to the grounds
appurtenant to such houses, or to buildings so ex-
clusively used for public worship, or as parsonages
which are necessary for the respective uses thereof,
nor shall the provisions of said sections apply to
graveyards, cemeteries or cemetery companies, which
do not accumulate profits for any purpose except the
maintenance or improvement of such cemeteries or
graveyards, as cemeteries or graveyards, nor to bury-
ing grounds set apart for the use of any family or be-
longing to any church or congregation, or to crop or