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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 761   View pdf image (33K)
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1892.] OF THE SENATE. 761

issued by any State or District of Columbia, owned
by residents of this State; all bonds made or issued
by any State, District of Columbia or territory, or
by any corporation belonging to the residents of this
State; all investments in private securities of every
kind and description belonging to residents of this
State, the real property located in this State, and the
personal property owned by any corporation incor-
porated by this State not having a capital divided
into shares or having shares of capital stock which
are wholly or in part exempted from taxation by this.
State, when the said real or personal property so
owned by said corporation is not protected from tax-
ation by the exemption of said shares of stock from
taxation; all certificates of indebtedness or evidence
of debt in whatever form made or issued by any State,
territory, country, District of Columbia, public cor-
poration or foreign country, owned by residents of
this State, shall be subject to valuation and assess-
ment to the owners thereof in the county or city in
which owners may respectively reside, and all other
property of every kind, nature and description within
this State shall be valued to the respective owners
thereof in the manner prescribed by this Article, and
shall be assessed and taxed as the property of such
respective owners, according to such prescribed
methods of valuation, except as prescribed in section
three of this Article; the property, real and personal,
of each and every railroad company in this State,
working their roads by steam power, shall be assessed
and taxed for county and municipal purposes, in the
same manner as the property of individuals is now
assessed and taxed; provided, that no extra assess-
ment shall be made and no extra or special tax shall
be levied or Collected on any bridge or bridges over
streams forming any part of the roadway of any rail-
road or railroads or turnpike companies in this State,
it being the meaning and intent of this Act that any
bridge over streams forming a portion of the roadway
of any of said railroads and turnpikes, shall be valued
at the same rate that any other equal portion of said
road is valued; and provided, further, that all tun-
nels or sub-ways forming a part of the roadway or sub-
tray of any railroad, turnpike company or other cor-


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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 761   View pdf image (33K)
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