port, are and shall be subject to valuation and assess-
ment to the respective owners thereof in the county
or city in this State in which said owners shall re-
spectively reside. All real property in this State be-
longing to any bank incorporated under the laws of
this State, or any other State, or to any National
bank located in this State, or to any company or cor-
poration incorporated by or under the laws of this
State, or of any other State, or under the laws of the
"United States, or of any Territory, or the District of
Columbia, or to any joint stock company doing busi-
ness in this State, are and shall be subject to valua-
tion, assessment and levy of taxes thereon, for State,
county and municipal purposes, as the property of
such bank, company, corporation or joint stock com-
pany, and such bank, company, corporation or joint
stock company shall pay taxes thereon so assessed
and levied. All money belonging to residents of this
State, the proceeds of the sale of stock, bonds or
other property disposed of for the purpose of evading
and escaping taxation, all shares in any joint stock
company, and all shares of stock in any bank incor-
porated under the laws of this State or in any National
bank located in this State, or in any corporation in-
corporated under the laws of this State, other than
railroad companies working their respective roads by
steam power, not exempted from taxation by irre-
pealable contract with this State, are and shall be
subject to assessment and valuation to the owners
thereof in the county or city in this State in which
said owner s may respectively reside, in the manner
provided for by the laws of this State, and the taxable
values of such shares shall be ascertained and
finally determined, and the taxes thereon levied and
collected in each year under the regulations herein-
after prescribed, or as the same may now be or
hereafter provided by law; all shares of stock or
shares in any bank other than a National Bank,
or in any company or corporation incorporated
by or located in and doing business in any other
State or District of Columbia, or in any terri-
tory or country owned by residents of this tate, shall
be valued and assessed to the owners thereof in the
manner prescribed by this Article ; all bonds made or