1892. ] OF THE SENATE. 465
Beginning for parcel number four, which is also lot
number four of said Oxon Hill Manor Tract on said
plat, at the beginning s lone of n whole tract of Oxon
Hill Manor and running thence south sixty two and
eleven twenty-fifths perches to a cedar tree in the
main road and with said road north seventy-four de-
grees east forty four and two-thirds perches, to school
lot north sixteen degrees west twelve and sixteen
twenty-fifths perches; north seventy-four degrees east
twelve and sixteen twenty-fifths perches; north nine
and one fourth degrees west eighty four and twenty-
two twenty-fifths perches to an oak tree; south thirty-
eight degrees west sixty-two and sixteen twenty-fifths
to the beginning, containing twenty-three and one
half acres, more or less.
Also that other piece or parcel of land lying and
being in Oxon Hill District in Prince George's county,
Maryland, and known as "Gregory's Discovery, " and
described as follows:
Beginning for the same at a stake standing in the
line of the District of Columbia near the southwest
side of "Oxon Creek, " said stake being the original
beginning point of a tract formerly owned by Joseph
Thomas, and thence running with the part of the tract
of land called "Oxon Hill Manor, " formerly owned by
the heirs of the late Thos. E. Berry; south two de-
grees and thirty minutes west seventeen perches to a
stone; south twenty-seven degrees east eight and one-
half perches; south sixty-three degrees and thirty
minutes east twenty-two and one-fourth porches to a
locust tree; south twenty-nine degrees and thirty
minutes east eighteen perches; south sixty-three de-
grees and thirty minutes east three and one-fourth
perches; south seventy-seven degrees and thirty
minutes east twelve perches, to a stone on the south
side of the main road from Alexandria Ferry to Upper
Marlboro, thence with the south side of said road
north sixty-four degrees and thirty minutes east
five and one-fifth perches; north seventy-seven
degrees and thirty minutes east eight perches;
south eighty-five degrees and thirty minutes east
twelve and two-thirds perches to a locust tree; then
leaving said road and also the land belonging to the