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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 20   View pdf image (33K)
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On motion by Mr. Evans, it was

Ordered, That the order which referred the commu-
nication of Spencer C. Jones, concerning the State
Printing, to the Committee on Printing, be so amended
as to require the prices of the lowest bidder only to be
spread upon the minutes, after the Committee on
Printing shall have examined the same.

Which was read and rejected.

On motion by Mr. Toadvin, it was

Ordered, That the Postmaster of the Senate be and
he is hereby directed to furnish to each Senator, the
Secretary, Journal Clerk and Reading Clerk $25. 00
worth of postage stamps, and the other elected offi-
cers of the Senate each with $5. 00 worth of postage

Which was read and referred to the Committee on
Finance (hereafter to be appointed. )
On motion by Mr. Austin, it was

Ordered, That the thanks of this Senate are hereby
tendered to the Hon. Edward Wootton for the able
and dignified discharge of the duties of Speaker pro
tem. of this Senate.

On motion by Mr. Waters, it was

Ordered, That the rules governing the proceedings
of flie Senate of 1890 be adopted by this Senate, sub-
ject to such alteration or revision as may be hereafter

On motion by Mr. Smith,

The Senate at 1. 15 P. M., took a recess until 1. 45.

At 1. 45 P. M., the Senators reassembled in the Senate

The Clerk of the House of Delegates appeared and
delivered the following message:


January 6, 1892.
Gentlemen of the Senate:

We respectfully propose, with the concurrence of
your Honorable Body, that the Senate and House of
Delegates meet in the Hall of the House of Delegates
at 2. 10 P. M., January 6th, 1892, when the Speaker
shall preside, and, in the presence of both Houses,


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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 20   View pdf image (33K)
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