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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 19   View pdf image (33K)
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1892. ] OF THE SENATE. 19

nine hundred ($17, 900) dollars, and file herewith their
bond for the faithful performance of the work in case
the contract is awarded us.

Very respectfully,


Which was read and, on motion by Mr. Wootten,
was ordered to be entered on the Journal, and referred
to the Committee on Printing (hereafter to be ap-
pointed. )


Mr. Moss submitted the following:

Ordered, That F. Ogle Winchester be employed as
assistant janitor of the Senate for this Session at a per
diem of $5. 00.

Which was read and ordered to lie over under the

On motion by Mr. Wirt, it was

Ordered, That the Printer furnish to the folders of
the Senate, daily, copies of the Journal of the Senate
for the newspapers of the State, and that the folders
deliver them to the Postmaster of the Senate, who will
stamp and mail one copy each day to every newspaper
in the State.

Which was read and referred to the Committee on
Finance (hereafter to be appointed. )
On motion by Mr. Gorter, it was

Ordered, That the hour of meeting of the Senate
shall be at 12 o'clock noon, until otherwise ordered.
On motion by Mr. Dawson, it was

Ordered, That the Printer furnish to each newspa-
per in the State daily copies of the Journal of the
Senate, and that the Postmaster furnish the necessary
stamps therefor.

Which was read and referred to the Committee on
Finance (hereafter to be appointed. )
On motion by Mr. Wootten, it was

Ordered, That Senators Bennett and Hubner be
excused from attendance on to-day's session on ac-
count of sickness.


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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 19   View pdf image (33K)
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