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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 16   View pdf image (33K)
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corrected and printed in proper form for binding and
sent to the Librarian to be bound; two hundred copies
of each of the Senate bills, two hundred copies
each of the House bills; two thousand yeas and nays
for the use of the House of Delegates; two thousand
yeas and nays for the use of the Senate; two hundred
copies of the rules and orders for the use of the Senate,
including parliamentary law and usage and practice
of the Senate, as now appended to the present rules of
the Senate, the above rules and orders to be printed
"and bound in paper; two hundred copies of the rules
and orders for the use of the House of Delegates; four
hundred copies of the list of members of both Houses;
two hundred lists of Senate committees for the use of
the Senate; two hundred lists of House committees,
for the use of the House of Delegates; fifteen hundred
copies of the Acts and Resolutions which may be
passed by the Senate and House of Delegates at the said
ensuing session; all the reports hereinbefore enumer-
ated, and the rules and orders hereinbefore referred
to shall be printed on fine white paper, and the copies
of the Acts and Resolutions shall also be printed on
fine white paper with marginal notes, and bound in
good law sheep; and all other matters not hereinbe-
fore specified at the prices hereinafter enumerated,
which may be ordered to be printed by the General
Assembly, or either house thereof, at said ensuing
session, in a good and workmanlike manner; and all
printing not enumerated shall be in usual octavo, or
bill folio pages, as the General Assembly or either
house thereof may expressly order, and shall be paid
for, whether plain or tabulated, at the price of one
dollar and fifty cents per page, octavo, per thousand,
long primer type, and two dollars and fifty cents per
page, bill folio, for the first thousand copies printed
of either, and at the rate of thirty-three per cent. less
for each additional thousand copies, but no printing
not hereinbefore enumerated shall be paid for unless
upon an order stating the cost of the same, and passed
by a yea and nay vote of either the Senate or House.
The Governor's message, the report of the Comptroller
of the Treasury, the State Treasurer's report, the
report of the Adjutant General, the State School report,
the report of the Insurance Commissioner, the report


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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 16   View pdf image (33K)
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