1892. ] OF THE SENATE. 15
bid for the printing required to be don« for the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland, at its next ensuing session,
in pursuance of the provisions of Article 78 of the
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, which said
bid is hereto annexed, and is hereby adopted and
made part of these presents; and whereas, said party
of the first part has, in compliance with the provisions
of said Article 78 of the Code of Public General Laws
of Maryland, awarded the contract for said printing
to Charles H. Baughman, the party of the second part,
he being the lowest responsible bidder therefor, at
the price stipulated in said bid.
Now, therefore, in consideration of the premises, the
said party of the second part convenants and agrees
that he will do the printing required by the provisions
of the aforesaid Article 78 of the Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws of Maryland, to be done for the General As-
sembly of Maryland, at its next ensuing session, and
which is particularly enumerated in the first sec ion
of said Article 78 of the Code of Public General Laws
of Maryland, that is to say, that the amount of print-
ing hereby contracted for is: four thousand copies
of the Governor's message in English; five hundred
copies of the Governor's message in German; three
thousand copies of the reports of the Comptroller of
the Treasury; one thousand copies of the reports of
the State Treasurer; one thousand copies of the reports
of the Adjutant General; two thousand copies of the
School reports, one thousand copies of the reports of
the Insurance Commissioner; one thousand copies of
the reports of the Commissioner of the Land Office;
two thousand copies of the reports of the State Board
of Health; two thousand copies of the reports cf the
Chief of the Bureau of Statistics and Information, one
thousand of which shall be distributed by the printer
to the Labor Organizations of the State; one thousand
copies of the reports of the State Fish Commissioners,
and all the aforesaid shall be printed and bound in
paper, and the printer shall send to the Librarian five-
hundred of each of the reports that are usually bound,
to be bound by the Librarian; fifteen hundred copies
of the daily journal of the Senate; fifteen hundred
copies of the daily journal of the House of Delegates
five hundred of each of which shall be revised and