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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 17   View pdf image (33K)
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1892. ] OF TEE SENATE. 17

of the State Board of Health, and the report of the
State Fish Commissioners, shall be printed on good
white paper, twenty-four by thirty-eight inches, fifty
pounds to the ream; the size of the pages to be regular
octavo, and the type used shall be long primer for the
body of all the various reports, and brevier for the
tabulated statements.

So much of said printing as shall be necessary for
the General Assembly during its session, shall be

delivered to the presiding officers of both Houses, and
the residue shall be delivered to the State Librarian,
to be by him distributed as provided by law.

And the said party of the first part, acting for the
State of Maryland in pursuance of the provisions of
the fourth section of said Article 78 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland, hereby convenants
and agrees to pay to the said party of the second part, in
the manner and at the times stated in said fourth sec-
tion of said Article 78 of said Code, the prices mentioned
in these presents and also enumerated in the bid of
the party of the second part, for the printing herein

contracted for and agreed to be done as aforesaid.

In testimony whereof, the parties to these presents
have the day and year first herein mentioned set
their respective hands and seals.

Clerk of the Court of Appeals of Maryland.

Witness: Jas. P. Bays

FREDERICK. MD., Sept. 22d, 1891.

Clerk of the Court of Appeals:
Sir: —My bid for the Legislative printing for the
session of 1892, as advertised by you, is nine thou-
sand five hundred dollars ($9, 500. )
I enclose bond. Yours truly,


In compliance with the advertisement of Hon. Spen-
cer C. Jones, Clerk of the Court of Appeals, asking
proposals to do the printing for the State of Mary-
land and its General Assembly at the session of 1892



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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 17   View pdf image (33K)
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