1892. ] OF THE SENATE. 153
Bonds held by the Treasurer for the sinking funds,
and the transfer of stocks and bonds from the sinking:
fund known as the Treasury Relief Loan Sinking
Fund to the Defence Redemption Loan Sinking Fund.
Senate Joint Resolution authorising the destruction
of the bonds of the Exchange Loan of 1889, acquired
by the exchange of the preferred stock of the Balti-
more and Ohio Railroad Company, as authorized by
Article 12, section 3, of the Constitution.
Severally endorsed: "Passed by yeas and nays. "
The Clerk of the Souse of Delegates appeared and
delivered the following message:
January 28th, 1892.
Gentlemen of the Senate:
We have received your message proposing that,
with the concurrence of the House of Delegates, and.
until otherwise ordered by the joint action of the
House and Senate, during the remainder of the ses-
sion of this General Assembly, shall hold daily ses-
sions, except Saturday and Sunday, and that said
sessions shall convene at 8 o'clock, P. M., Monday of
each week, and continue to the following Friday. As
the proposal seems to this House to be somewhat
ambiguous, we respectfully non-concur therein; and
propose instead, that the two Houses shall, during
the remainder of this session, until otherwise ordered
by the joint action of the two Houses, hold sittings on
every day except Saturdays and Sundays; that when
the Houses adjourn on Fridays they snail stand ad-
journed until the succeeding Monday at 8 o'clock, P. M.,
and that the hour of convening on other days shall
be such as the respective Houses may designate; pro-
vided, that it shall be in the province of either House-
to sit on Saturdays if the condition of its business shall
require it, and to hold as many sittings per day as it
may deem necessary and proper.
By order,
Chief Clerk.
Which was read.