Charles H. Baughman failing or refusing to enter into
said contract, in compliance with the provisions of
said Article 78 of said Code of Public General Laws
of Maryland.
Now the condition of the above obligation is such,
that if the above bounden Charles H. Baughman,
shall—in the event of his being the lowest responsible
bidder, accepted by said Clerk of the Court of Appeals,
to do the printing required to be done for the General
Assembly of Maryland, at its session next ensuing
after the date of these presents—enter into a contract
with said Clerk, to do said printing in compliance
with the provisions of said Article 78 of said Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland, and shall duly,
promptly and faithfully comply with the terms of said
contract, to be entered into as aforesaid, and shall, in
all respects, well and faithfully do and perform all
matters and things contemplated by the provisions of
said Article 78 of said Code of Public General Laws
of Maryland, to be done and performed by him, the
said Charles H. Baughman, in compliance with the
terms of the aforesaid contract, then this obligation
to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force
and virtue in law.
J. WM. BAUGHMAN, [Seal ]
Witness as to Charles H. Baughman—
C. H. Doll.
Witness as to J. Wm. Baughman and L. Victor
C. D. Doll.
The above bond approved September 24th, 1891.
Clerk of the Court of Appeals of Maryland.
Articles of agreement, made and concluded this
twenty-fourth day of September, eighteen hundred
ninety-one, by and between Spencer C. Jones, Clerk
of the Court of Appeals of Maryland, of the first
part, and Charles H. Baughman, of Frederick county,
in the State of Maryland, of the second part, Wit-
nesseth, that whereas the said party of the second
part has transmitted to the party of the first part a