1892.] OF THE SENATE 1067
House bill entitled an Act to permit the County
Commissioners of Baltimore county to lay out and
open public roads in the Thirteenth District of Balti-
more county, within two miles of Baltimore city.
House bill entitled an Act to authorize and require
the County Commissioners of Baltimore county to
levy a sum of money to be applied to the building of
a school house on the Philadelphia Road.
House bill entitled an Act to authorize the Commis-
sioners of Baltimore county to levy for the 13th dis-
trict of Baltimore county ten cents on each one hun-
dred dollars for road purposes in said 13th district.
House bill entitled an Act to protect brook trout in
Baltimore county.
Which were severally read the second time.
Mr. Posey, from a Select Committee, reported fav-
orably, the following bills :
House bill entitled an Act to add an additional sec-
tion to the Code of Public Local Laws, Article 9, title
"Charles County," sub-title ''Roads and Bridges."
With the following proposed amendments:
In line 4 of title, after the letter "A." add the words
"and 160 B," and after the word "to," in anne line,
strike out the words "regulate hauling of," and insert
the words "to license persons engaged in hauling."
In line 5 of section 1, after letter' 'A," add the words
'and 160 B." Strike out all after letter "A," in line
5, of section 1, and insert as follows : "It shall be law-
ful for the County Commissioners of Charles county,
in their discretion, to require all persons who may
engage in hauling heavy timber (not cord-wood) in
Charles county, for convenient purposes, between the
first day of December of any year, and the first day of
May following, to pay a license not exceeding the sum
of five dollars per mont-i, and if the said license shall
be imposed all money derived therefrom shall be
applied to the county road fund."
In line 4 of title, after letter "A," add the words "and
160 B," and after the word "to," in same line, strike
out the words "regulate the hauling of," and insert
the words "to license persons engaged in hauling."
Which were adopted.
Said bill, as amended, was read the second time.