of fifteen years from the time of his election
and until his successor is elected and qualified,
or until he shall have attained the age of seventy
years ; and
Whereas, since his said election, the said George
W. Dobbin has discharged and is now dis-
charging his duties as said Associate Judge of
the Supreme Bench of Baltimore city, and be-
fore the next session of the General Assembly
will (if his life is prolonged) attain the age of
seventy years, when his term of service will ex-
pire unless it is extended by the General Assem-
bly by resolution, pursuant to the third section
of the fourth article of the Constitution : there-
fore —
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That, in view of the ability, integrity, wisdom,
experience and sound legal knowledge of said
Hon. George W. Dobbin, his term of service as
Associate Judge of the Supreme Bench of Balti-
more city be and the same is hereby extended, and
the said Hon. George W. Dobbin be continued in
Term of ser-
vice extended
office as such Associate Judge until the expiration
of the term of fifteen years for which he was
duly elected on the said fourth Wednesday of
October, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-