third section of the fourth article of the con-
stitution ;
Therefore, the General Assembly, reposing full
confidence in the ability, integrity, wisdom and
sound legal knowledge of the said Honorable
James A. Stewart, and deeming it compatible
with the public interests to extend his term of
service —
Se it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the term of service of the Honorable James
A. Stewart, Chief Judge of the First Judicial
Circuit, and Associate Judge of the Court of Ap-
Term of ser-
vice extended
peals, be and the same is hereby extended, and the
said James A. Stewart continued in office as Chief
Judge of the First Judicial Circuit until the Tues-
'day after the first Monday of November, in the
year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two,
and until his successor is elected and qualified.
No. 2.
Extending the term of service of Honorable
George W. Dobbin as Associate Judge of the Su-
preme Bench of Baltimore city until the expira-
tion of the full period of fifteen years for which
he was elected.
Whereas the Hon. George W. Dobbin, of Balti-
more city, was duly elected by the qualified
voters of Baltimore city as an Associate Judge of
the Supreme Bench of Baltimore city, on the
fourth Wednesday in October in the year
eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, for the term