Reports, comprising volumes number twenty-one
and forty-five inclusive; provided that the price
thereof shall not exceed ten dollars per copy ; and
provided further that any three judges of the
Court of Appeals of the State shall certify, under
their hands and seals, that, in their opinion, the
said digest is a faithful digest of the opinions of
said court, and deserves the patronage of the
State. And the Librarian is further authorized
and directed to distribute the same number of
copies of said digest and in the same way as the
copies of the Maryland Reports are now by law
authorized to be distributed, and the residue to
sell or exchange for such other books as may be
required by the State Librarian ; provided, never-
theless, that the said Librarian shall retain thirty-
five copies in said Library for the use thereof.
Be it further resolved, That resolution number
four, passed at January session, eighteen hundred
and seventy, be repealed.
No. 4.
Joint Resolutions in relation to the reduction of
the federal tax on manufactured tobacco.
Whereas tobacco is one of the staple products of
our State, and enters largely into the industries
thereof, whereby it affords the means of employ-
ment to many of our people ; and whereas the
present rate of federal tax operates injuriously
upon the production, sale and manufacture of
the same —
1st. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That it is the sentiment of this General As-
Reduction of
federal tax.
sembly that the present rate of federal tax upon
manufactured tobacco, twenty-four cents per pound,