No. 1.
Whereas the Honorable James A. Stewart, of Dor-
chester county, was duly elected Chief Judge
of the First Judicial Circuit of the State of
Maryland, on the Tuesday after the first Mon-
day in November, in the year eighteen hundred
and sixty-seven, for the term of fifteen years
from the time of his election, and until his suc-
cessor is elected and qualified, or until he shall
have attained the age of seventy years ;
And whereas the said Honorable James A. Stewart
has, since the period of his election aforesaid,
discharged his duties as Chief Judge of the
First Judicial Circuit, and acted, and ia now
acting, as Associate Judge of the Court of Ap-
peals, and will, on the twenty-fourth day of No-
vember, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight,
(if his life is prolonged) attain to the age of
seventy years, when his term of service will ex-
pire unless it is extended by the General Assem-
bly of this State by resolution, pursuant to the