AN ACT to repeal sections one and two of the acts
of January session, eighteen hundred and seventy-
two, chapter one hundred and ninety-eight, en-
titled "An act for the protection of and to regulate
the time and manner of catching and taking fish
and terrapins in that portion of the Potomac River
between Maryland Point, in Charles county, and
Chisildine's Island, in St. Mary's county," and to
re-enact the same with amendments, and to add
additional sections thereto.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That sections one and two of the acts
of January session, eighteen hundred and seventy-
Repealed and
two, chapter one hundred and ninety-eight, entitled
"An act for the protection of, and to regulate the
time and manner of catching and taking fish and ter-
rapins in that portion of the Potomac River between
Maryland Point in Charles county, and Chisildine's
Island in St. Mary's county," be and the same are
hereby repealed and re-enacted to read as follows :
SEC. 1. That it shall not be lawful for any person
or persons, except bona fide citizens of Charles
county, to take or catch fish or terrapins, or to haul
Unlawful to
a seine, or fish a gill net, or take or catch fish or ter-
catch fish,&c.
rapins in any manner in the Potomac River or its
tributaries, or in the Wicomico River or its tributa-
ries, lying in Charles county, between Maryland
Point in Charles county and Chisildine's Island in
St. Mary's county.
SEC. 2. That no person or persons shall haul a
seine more than one hundred and sixty fathoms in
Length of
length in the Potomac River or its tributaries, nor
in the Wicomico River or its tributaries, between
Maryland Point in Charles county and Chisildine's
Island in St. Mary's county, except from the fif-
teenth day of March to the first day of June, in-