of travel over this much used highway, in a thickly
settled community ; and whereas the said Augustus
F. Dames restored and rebuilt said bridge at Ms in-
dividual expense, being assured by one of the late
Board of Commissioners that the county would pay
an equitabe portion thereof; and whereas the said
Townsend avenue is not a county road, and it is
doubted whether the County Commissioners have au-
thority under the present road law of said county
to spend money upon any other than a county road ;
therefore —
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ty the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the County Commissioners of
Baltimore county are hereby authorized in their dis-
Render just
cretion, to audit the claim of Augustus F. Dames
against said county for the rebuilding of the bridge
and equitable
on Townsend avenue or Friendship lane in said
county, and render to him just and equitable com-
pensation for the same, out of the road and bridge
fund of said county.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
In force
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 5, 1878.