SEC. 2. Be it enacted, Thai no person or per-
sons shall haul a seine, nor fish a net of any kind or
description, with a mesh of less size than three inches,
as provided in section two of this act as amended
Size of
above ; and provided, a license of one cent per lineal
fathom on all traps, seines or nets of any description
shall be paid to the clerk of Charles county before
the same can be used for fishing.
SEC. 3. Be it enacted, That the oyster police boat
for the sixth district is hereby directed and empow-
ered to supervise the fisheries in the said waters of
Oyster police
to supervise.
the Potomac and its tributaries, and the Wicomico
and its tributaries in Charles county, between the
first day of June and the fifteenth day of March in
each year, and upon information being conveyed to
the commander of said oyster police boat, that any
person or persons have violated the provisions of this
act or of the act of January session eighteen hun-
dred and seventy-two, chapter one hundred and
ninety-eight, as amended by this act, he shall arrest
said offender and carry him before some justice of
the peace within said county, and upon conviction,
he shall be subjected to the several fines and penal-
ties as provided in section three of said act passed
January session eighteen hundred and seventy-two,
chapter one hundred and ninety-eight.
SEC. 4. Be it enacted, That it shall be unlawful
for any person or persons to construct a fish trap, or
Unlawful to
pound net, or any fishing apparatus of like descrip-
construct fish
tion, near the mouths of any of the tributaries of
trap, &c.
the said Potomac and Wicomico rivers within
Charles county, between Maryland Point in said
county and Chisildine's Island in St. Mary's county,
for the purpose of fishing the same or for any other
purpose, nothing herein contained to be construed
to prohibit the fishing with said fish trap or pound
nets by bona fide citizens of Charles county from the
shores bordering on said rivers and tributaries within
said waters, not being near the mouths of said inlets,
whereby the fish would be obstructed in their free
passage to the head waters of said rivers and tribu-
taries within said county ; any person violating the
provisions of this section shall be subjected to the
fines and penalties as provided in section three of