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Session Laws, 1878
Volume 399, Page 839   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 4. Be it enacted, That said commissioners,


as soon after each annual levy as practicable, shall


apportion the sum so levied for public roads to


the several election districts in said county as they


may deem just and fair, and place said lists in the


hands of the collectors, to be paid by them to such


road accounts as may be passed or approved by


said County Commissioners.


SEC. 5. Be it enacted, That the County Commis-


sioners of St. Mary's county are hereby author-


ized to make and pass such rules and regula-


tions respecting the appointment and duties of the
district road commissioners and all officers neces-

Duties of
distiict road

sary to carry this law into execution ; to have all


obstructions and nuisances removed from the pub-


lic roads, or near the same, that may inconveni-


ence and endanger travelers ; to allow, upon satis-


factory proof, owners for gravel, timber and other


necessary material needed in repairs of said public


roads, and to regulate the mode of ascertaining


the value of any gravel, timber or other necessary


material in case of a dissatisfied owner ; to enter


upon any adjacent land, and, by ditching or other-


wise, to draw the water from said public roads,


and to make satisfactory compensation to the


owners of said lands for any permanent injury


done the same, or for any material taken as




SEC. 6. Be it enacted, That all laws or parts of


laws inconsistent with the provisions of this act

laws repealed

be and the same are hereby repealed.


SEC. 7. Be it enacted, That this act shall take

In force.

effect from the day of its passage.


Approved April 5, 1878.



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Session Laws, 1878
Volume 399, Page 839   View pdf image (33K)
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