AN ACT for the relief of John Henry Noble, Col-
lector of State and County Taxes in election dis-
tricts numbers two and twelve of Dorchester
county, for the years eighteen hundred and
seventy-four and eighteen hundred and seventy-
five, and his sureties.
Whereas it has been represented to this General
Assembly that on the night of the nineteenth day of
March, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-
seven, a certain John Henry Noble, Collector of
State and County Taxes in election districts num-
bers two and twelve of Dorchester county, for the
years eighteen hundred and seventy-four and eighteen
hundred and seventy-five, was waylaid and robbed of
the amount of seventeen hundred dollars of moneys
collected by him on account of State and county
taxes; and
Whereas in pursuance of law judgments have been
entered in the Circuit Court for Dorchester county
against the said Collector and the sureties on his
bonds, in favor of the State of Maryland for the use
of the County Commissioners of Dorchester county,
for the amount of moneys due and in arrear from
said Collector to said County Commissioners of Dor-
chester county, in which judgments is included the
said amount of seventeen hundred dollars, so as
aforesaid represented to have been forcibly taken
from the person of the said Collector ; therefore —
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Comptroller of the Treasury
be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to
settle with said Collector the State of Maryland's
proportionate share of the said sum of seventeen
hundred dollars, and to discharge and release the
and release
from claim.
said John Henry Noble, and each and all of his sure-
ties, from all claim or demand for or on account of
the same, if and when upon investigation by the
County Commissioners of Dorchester county, as pro-
vided in the following section, they shall find that