naces, and to his assistants, six hundred dollars
each — twelve hundred dollars ; for insurance on the
Governor's mansion, five hundred dollars, or so
much thereof as may be necessary ; for rent of boxes
at the Safe Deposit Company of Baltimore, for the
use of the Treasury Department, one hundred dol-
lars, or so much thereof as may be necessary ; to the
members of the Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore city,
fifty dollars each — one hundred and fifty dollars ; to
the Register of Baltimore city, three hundred dol-
lars ; for the expenses of the State Board of Health,
including the salary of the Secretary of said Board,
twenty-five hundred dollars; to the State Yaccine
Agent for his salary, six hundred dollars, and to de-
fray the expenses incurred by him in procuring reli-
able vaccine virus, six hundred dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary ; to I. Nevitt Steele, for
cost of printing a brief in the case of State vs. Balti-
more and Ohio Railroad, fifty three dollars; to
Murphy & Co., for printing and covering ninety
copies of briefs in cases of the Supreme Court of
United States vs. State of Maryland, one hundred
and ten dollars ; to pay the balance due for work
done and material furnished for the repairs of the
State House, the sum of forty-one thousand six hun-
dred and ninety-six dollars and forty-eight cents,
provided that no part of said amount shall be paid
on account of expenditures for furniture or commis-
sions to architect on the cost of the said furniture ;
to complete the repairs of the dome, hall and en-
trance to the State House, to be expended under the
direction of the Board of Public Works, fifteen thou-
sand dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces-
For the payment of the interest on the public
For payment
debt of the State, including cost of exchange, remit-
on public
tance and commissions for so much thereof as is pay-
able in London, six hundred and fifty thousand
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer of
Treasurer of
the State shall, on the warrant of the Comptroller,
State to dis-
disburse said sums of money herein appropriated for
the objects and purposes herein specified, to or upon