AN ACT to incorporate the Powhattan Gas Light
Company of Baltimore county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That John K. White, Patrick H.
Walker, Charles Cockey, W. H. W. Reed, John
W. Baker, and their associates, successors and as-
signs, be and they are hereby created and made a
body corporate by the name and style of the Pow-
Created a
body corpo-
hattan Gas Light Company of Baltimore county,
rand by that name shall have succession, and shall
be capable in law to held and dispose of property,
to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, to
answer and defend, and to be answered and de-
fended, in any court of law or equity, and in
places whatsoever; to receive and make deeds
Make deeds
and contracts, to make and have and use a com-
and contracts
mon seal, and the same to break, change, alter and
renew at pleasure, and to pass all such by-laws as
may be necessary to regulate its affairs, and to do
all such acts as shall be proper and necessary for
the purpose of their incorporation, which is hereby
declared to be the manufacture and supply of gas
to the citizens of Baltimore county and no farther,
and shall have perpetual succession by said cor-
porate name.
SEC. 2. And be enacted, That the capital stock of
Capital stock
said company hereby incorporated shall be two
hundred thousand dollars, in shares of twenty-five