dinary modes of proceeding therein ; but, if the
said award, judgment or decision shall be for the
recovery by the one party, and the surrender or
delivery by the other to him of the possession of
specific property, the said successful party, upon
filing such award, judgment or decision, so certi-
fied as aforesaid, with the Clerk of the Circuit
Court of Baltimore city, or such other court there-
in as shall at the time have jurisdiction there of
causes in equity, shall have the right, on or at any
time after the first day of the next succeeding
term, or on or at any time after the next succeed-
ing rule day of the said court, whichever shall
first occur, to have, upon motion therefor, and or-
der made by the said court, affirming the said
award, judgment or decision, and making the same
a decree of the said court, and to have the same
enforced, if the recovery be of the possession of
Nature of
land, freehold or leasehold, by a writ in the nature
of a writ of habere facias possessionem, such as the
said court is authorized to issue for the purpose of
putting a purchaser under its decree in possession
of the land purchased by him, and to be executed
in the same manner and by the same officer against
such losing party to such award, judgment or de-
cision, and any and all and every other person or
persons in possession of said land, claiming the
same by virtue of a title derived from, through or
under such losing party, and acquired subsequently
to the date of such award, judgment or decision,
which said writ the said court is authorized and
empowered to issue for this purpose upon applica-
tion in writing of such successful party to the said
award, judgment or decision, in person or by at-
Verified by
torney, verified by the affidavit "of himself or his
attorney, unless good cause to the contrary shall
be shown by such party in possession within not
less than fifteen nor more than thirty days after
notice in writing of such application served upon
such party in possession in person ; and if the re-
covery be of the possession of personal chattels,
by such process of execution and compulsion as in
the chancery practice of this State is usual and
proper for the enforcement of a decree for the
specific delivery of personal chattels.