berland," providing for lending the aid of said city,
in the coupon bonds of said city, to the amount of
sixty-five thousand dollars, to "The Pennsylvania
Railroad Company" in Maryland, which said ordi-
nance was ratified by a vote of the citizens of said
city on December the fifteenth, eighteen hundred
and seventy-seven. And whereas the said Mayor
Petition to
and City Council have petitioned the General As-
sembly of Maryland to pass an act ratifying and
confirming said ordinance, and the vote of the people
thereunder, and for authority to issue said bonds ac-
cording to the terms and provisions of said ordinance.
Now, therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the said ordinance, referred
to in the aforegoing preamble, is hereby confirmed,
and the said Mayor and City Council of Cumber-
land is hereby invested with all the power and au-
Power to exe-
thority necessary to carry out and execute the pro-
cute provi-
visions of the same, and to issue coupon bonds of
said Mayor and City Council of Cumberland to
the amount of sixty-five thousand dollars (thirty-
three thousand dollars thereof of the denomination
of one thousand dollars, and thirty-two thousand
dollars thereof of the denomination of five hundred
Bonds, when
dollars each), which said bonds shall be payable to
bearer at thirty years from February first, eighteen
hundred and seventy-eight, and the interest coupons
thereof payable semi-annually accounting therefrom,
and said bonds shall be sealed with the corporate
seal, signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the
clerk of said city, and the coupons shall be signed
by said clerk, and said bonds shall be delivered to
said "Pennsylvania Railroad Company" in Mary-
land, upon its compliance with the terms and condi-
tions of said ordinance.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Mayor
and City Council of Cumberland are hereby em-
Levy special
powered and directed to levy from time to time such '
special taxes upon all property taxable in said city
as may be necessary to pay the interest of said bonds
as the same shall accrue, and to provide a sinking
fund for payment of the principal of said bonds at
maturity, and said bonds shall be exempt from taxa-