Maryland, Sct.
At a Session of the General Assembly of Maryland, begun
and held at the City of Annapolis, on the seventh day of
January, 1878, His Excellency JOHN LEE CARROLL being
Governor, the following Lows were enacted, to wit:
AN ACT authorizing the Mayor and City Council
of Cumberland to issue bonds to the amount of
sixty-five thousand dollars to " The Pennsylvania
Railroad Company" in Maryland, and confirming
an ordinance entitled " An ordinance to aid the
introduction of the Pennsylvania Railroad into
the city of Cumberland," passed for said purpose
November the twenty-first, eighteen hundred and
seventy-seven, and approved by a vote of the peo-
ple of said city December fifteenth, eighteen hun-
dred and seventy-seven.
Whereas the Mayor and City Council of Cum-
berland did, on the twenty-first day of November,
eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, pass an ordi-
To aid intro-
nance entitled "An ordinance to aid the introduction
of the Pennsylvania Railroad into the city of Cum-