AN ACT to incorporate the Green Serpentine Mar-
ble Company of Harford county, Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Abraham P. McCombs, Enoch
McCollough, Joseph L. McDaniel and William Scot-
len, of Maryland, E. Mortimer Bye, of Delaware,
Delaplain McDaniel and Thomas Baumgardner, of
Pennsylvania, their associates, successors and as-
signs, be and they hereby are created a body corpo-
rate, by the name and style of the Green Serpentine
Marble Company of Harford county, and by that
name shall have perpetual succession, and shall be
capable in law to hold and dispose of property, real,
personal and mixed, fee simple or leasehold, to sue
and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, and answer
and defend, and be answered and defended, in any
court of law or equity, and in any other place what-
soever; to receive and make deeds, to make con-
tracts, to have and use a common seal, and renew,
alter and change the same at pleasure; to ordain and
establish such by-laws, ordinances and regulations
as may appear necessary for regulating the concerns
of said corporation, not being contrary to this act
or to the constitution and laws of this State or of
the United States, and to do all such acts and things
as shall be necessary and proper for the quarrying,
mining, manufacturing, transportation and sale of
Serpentine Stone, or any stone or mineral substance
to be quarried or mined in Harford county, State of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock
of this corporation be two hundred and fifty thou-
Capital stock.
sand dollars, divided into five thousand shares of
fifty dollars each, and the said corporation shall have
power at any time to increase its capital stock to
any sum not exceeding one million dollars, by new
subscriptions or by converting a portion of the net
profits into new stock, and distributing the same
among the stockholders, according to their respec-
tive interest in said corporation, and may reduce the
Reduce capi-
capital stock of said corporation whenever the same
tal stock.