tion district number four of Frederick county, the
said district to be known and called by the name of
Lewistown District, or election district number
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the boundaries of
said district shall be as follows: Beginning at the
southwest corner of Mechanicstown district line and
running with said election district line, bearing
slightly northeast, to the crossing of the road lead-
ing from Eicholtz's mills to Lewistown, at a point
near the dwelling-house of A. G. P. Wiles, thence
in a southeasterly direction to the Woodsborough
election district line on the Monocacy river, touch-
ing the north corner of George L. Devilbiss' dwell-
ing-house, and with the Woodsborough election dis-
trict line on a southerly course to Bigg's ford on
the Monocacy river, thence bearing a northwest-
erly course to the north corner of Bethel church,
thence bearing still a northwesterly course to inter-
sect the Catoctin election district line at a point where
said line strikes the Hamburg road, and thence with
Catoctin district line in a northerly direction to the
place of beginning, the territory included within
these boundaries to be known by the name of Lewis-
town District, or election district number twenty as
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the place of hold-
Place of hold-
ing elections in said Lewistown District, or election
ing elections.
district number twenty, shall be Lewistown.
SEO. 4. And be it enacted, That there shall be
Officers to be
appointed by the proper authority two justices of
the peace and two constables and a register of voters
for the said Lewistown district, or election district
number twenty.
In force.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 5, 1878.