for the better protection of property and convenience
of citizens, to construct water works for and lay
mains throughout the corporate limits of Westmin-
ster, in Carroll county, and to purchase appurtenances
necessary for the protection of property.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and
Board of
members of the Common Council of Westminster,
in conjunction with Charles B. Roberts, William A.
McKellip, David Fowble, John L. Reifsnider and
E. O. Grimes, be and they are hereby constituted a
board of supervisors for the aforesaid purpose ; the
term of office of the said five commissioners to expire
Term of office
upon the completion of the aforesaid works, and the
Mayor and Common Council then to assume exclu-
sive control.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid
board of supervisors may acquire by purchase or
otherwise, sufficient land needed for reservoirs, lay-
May acquire
ing of mains, or for any other purpose necessary for
the complete construction of said water works, and
may contract or agree with person or persons for the
Contract and
construction of the same, or any part thereof, or any
materials necessary therefor.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That for the purpose
of raising the funds necessary for the complete con-
struction of said water works, or for the other pur-
poses hereinbefore mentioned, or any of them, the
Mayor and Common Council of Westminster, in con-
junction with the aforesaid five commissioners, be
and they are hereby authorized to issue coupon
Authoriz'd to
bonds of the said city of Westminster, to the amount
issue bonds.
not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, payable not
more than thirty years after date, with six per
centum interest, payable annually ; which said bonds
shall be signed by the Mayor, attested by the cor-
porate seal, and countersigned by the treasurer of
the board ; and said coupons, after the maturity of
the same, shall be receivable in payment of all taxes
and dues by said city; and the said Mayor and
for taxes.
members of the Common Council are hereby author-
ized and required to levy and collect annually a
special tax over and above the ordinary taxes of said
city now levied and collected, of not more than