less than fifty dollars, nor more than one thousand
dollars ; and said commissioners, if they deem it ad-
visable, may reserve the right to redeem a portion
or all of said bonds before maturity.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said County
Commissioners shall cause to be kept and preserved
Careful regis-
a careful register of the bonds so called in, which
ter to be kept
they are hereby directed to cancel immediately; and
a careful register of the bonds so issued, including
therein the number of the bond, the person to whom
issued, the date of issue, and of maturity.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said County
Commissioners are hereby authorized and empow-
Levy a tax
ered to levy a tax in each and every year sufficient
each year.
to pay the interest on said bonds. The bonds hereby
Exempt from
authorized to be issued shall be exempt from all tax-
ation, except taxation for State purposes, and the
coupons due on said bonds shall be received by the
collector of taxes for Washington county in payment
of county taxes.
Approved April 5, 1878.
AN ACT to authorize the Mayor and Common
Council of Westminster to construct water works
for and to lay mains within the corporate limits
thereof, to buy the necessary appurtenances for
the protection of property, to collect water rents,
and to issue bonds, and to repeal all other acts
inconsistent with same.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
Board of
supervisors to
of Maryland, That the Mayor and Common Coun-
cil of Westminster, in conjunction with five commis-
sioners to be hereinafter named, constituting a board
water works.
of supervisors, be and they are hereby authorized,