twelve cents on every one hundred dollars of the
assessable property in said corporation, for the pay-
ment of the interest on the said bonds, and the
Distinct sink-
creation of a special and distinct sinking fund for
ing fund.
the liquidation and redemption of said bonds ; and
that the money thus raised shall be set apart and
known as the water works fund, and shall be applied
by the said board of supervisors or Mayor and Com-
mon Council to the payment of the principal and
interest of said bonds as aforesaid, and to no other
purpose whatsoever.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said bonds
Bonds to ma-
shall be issued to mature at such dates as shall not
require the payment in any one year of more than
five thousand dollars of the principal sum thereof.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said Mayor
and members of the Common Council be authorized
and empowered to collect from the owner or owners
to collect
water rents
of any dwelling or other building, all rents due the
company for water by his, her or their tenants, pro-
vided the said Mayor and Common Council, through
its authorized officers, shall notify said owner or
owners of the intention so to collect on or before the
first day of October in each year, and provided fur-
ther, that the water rent thus to be collected shall
Shall be clue.
become due from and after the first day of April
following, and it shall not be necessary for the said
Mayor and Common Council to notify as aforesaid
any owner or owners of property more than once.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the revenues and
Revenues and
rents derived from said water works, after payment
of expenses incidental to the proper management
and repairs of said works, shall form part and parcel
of the aforesaid sinking fund for the liquidation and
redemption of said bonds.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the said bonds
Bonds consti-
be and they are hereby constituted a full and legal
tuted a lien.
lien upon said water works for the full and just pay-
ment and liquidation of the said bonds as aforesaid.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the said Mayor
and Common Council and five commissioners, or