and bearing six per cent, interest per annum ; said
bonds hereby authorized to be issued to bear interest
payable semi-annually, on the first day of January
and the first day of July in each and every year, at
the rate of five per cent, per annum, according to
the tenor of the coupons for said interest to be there-
to attached, and the said coupons on said bonds
Coupons re-
shall, as they become payable, be receivable by the
ceivable for
collector of taxes for said county in payment of
county taxes.
SEC. 2. And le it further enacted, That said
bonds shall be issued payable twenty years from the
Payable in
date thereof, and be redeemable at any time after
twenty years.
the expiration of five years from date, at the pleasure
of said County Commissioners.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That said
County Commissioners are hereby authorized and
ers required
to sell bonds
required to sell said bonds to the best advantage, at
public sale, at such times and upon such notice as
to best advan-
they shall deem expedient ; provided, however, that
they shall not sell any of the bonds authorized to be
issued under this act for less than par or the face
value thereof for cash in current money.
Money raised
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the money
raised by the issue and sale of such bonds under the
provisions of this act, shall be exclusively appro-
Applied to in-
priated and applied to the payment of the present
outstanding bonded indebtedness of said county,
bearing six per cent, interest per annum, now ma-
tured and payable by said county, or that may here-
after become payable by said county; provided,
No larger
however, that no larger amount of money shall be
amount tban
borrowed or bonds issued under the provisions of
this act at any time than is necessary at siich time
to pay the amount of such present bonded indebted-
ness then due and payable by said county.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said
County Commissioners shall in each and every year
Levy on as-
levy upon the assessable property in Frederick
county such sum of money as may be necessary to
pay the interest on the outstanding bonds by them
issued in pursuance of this act, as the same shall fall
due, and also such further and additional sum as