AN ACT to repeal and re-enact as amended sec-
tion three of chapter two hundred and three of
acts passed at the January session, eighteen hun-
dred and seventy-six, entitled " An act to prevent
stock running at large in Baltimore county, within
five miles from Baltimore city."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That section three of chapter two
hundred and three of acts passed at the January
Repealed and
session, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, entitled
" An act to prevent stock running at large in Balti-
more county, within five miles from Baltimore city,"
be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted
so as to read as follows, viz :
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That said justice of
Justice of
the peace shall be fully authorized to make sale of
peace author-
such stock if not returned as aforesaid, and out of
ized to sell
all moneys arising from such sale, made under the
execution of this act, he shall pay to the party taking
up, if a constable or public orncer, and impounding
said stock, one dollar for his services therein, and
also all other expenses incurred, and the remainder
to the owner or owners who may establish claim to
said property ; and in the event of no such claimant
appearing within thirty days thereafter, then the
balance aforesaid shall be paid into the school fund
Balance shall
for Baltimore county ; provided, however, that the
be paid.
provisions of this act shall not apply to that portion