AN ACT to legalize the Revised Code of Public
General Laws of Maryland, prepared by Lewis
Mayer, Lewis C. Fisher, and E. J. D. Cross, and
to subscribe for copies of the same.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the revised code of Public Gen-
eral Laws of the State of Maryland, containing the
articles and sections of the present code and subse-
quent acts now in force, prepared by Lewis Mayer,
Revised code.
Lewis Fisher, and E. J. D. Cross, be and the same is
hereby legalized and shall be deemed and taken in
the courts of this State as evidence of the articles
and sections of the present code and the subsequent
acts therein codified ; provided, that before the same
be published the Public General Laws of this session
be incorporated therein.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the librarian be
Librarian to
and he is hereby authorised and directed to subscribe
in the name of the State for six hundred copies of
said revised code, prepared, printed and bound in as
good style as the present code ; provided the price
shall not exceed ten dollars per copy ; and provided,
also, that a majority of the judges of the Court of
Appeals shall certify under their hands and seals
that they have carefully examined the said code and
that it is a faithful codification of the laws in force
and deserves the patronage of the State ; and the
Treasurer to
treasurer is hereby authorized and required on the
warrant of the comptroller, which he shall issue on
receipt of a certificate from the State librarian that
the said copies have been delivered as aforesaid, to
pay to the said Lewis Mayer, Lewis Fisher, and E.
J . D. Cross, the sum of six thousand dollars.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the State Librarian
shall distribute the copies aforesaid, when delivered
State Librar-
ian shall dis-
tribute copies
to him, in the same manner and to the same persons
that he is now required to distribute the laws of the
General Assembly, and the remainder of said copies
shall be deposited in the State library for the use of
the State.