nants, contracts, agreements and bargains whatso-
ever necessary for the purposes and objects of said
company, and may have and use a common seal,
which they shall have power to alter and renew at
pleasure, and generally to do every other act or
thing necessary to carry into effect the provisions,
objects and purposes of this act and not inconsistent
with the laws of this State or of the United States.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said Baltimore
and Delta Railway Company is authorized to locate,
construct, maintain and work a railroad, with a
to locate.
single or double track, with such side tracks, turn-
outs, offices and depots as the said board of directors
may deem necessary between Baltimore city and
Delta, commencing at or within the northern limits
of Baltimore city and running thence through Bal-
timore county by way of or near Towsontown, and
thence through Harford county, by way of or near
Belair, by such route as the said directors may deem
most suitable, to a point on the Pennsylvania line
near Delta, in York county, in said State, and to
locate, construct, maintain and operate branches from
the main line of said road to any other place within
the limits of either of said counties through which
said road may pass.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the capital stock
Capital stock.
of the said Baltimore and Delta Railway Company
shall be seven hundred thousand dollars, to be di-
vided into shares of fifty dollars each ; such shares
shall be regarded as personal property, and shall be
subject to execution at law and taxation as other
personal property, and the said company may take
May take for
for their stock subscriptions in land at a valuation
to be agreed upon by the said company and the
owners of such lands.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That when four thou-
sand shares of the capital stock of said company
shall have been taken by bona fide subscription, the
Have been
said company may require subscriptions so taken to
be paid) and may exercise all its corporate powers,
and if any installment of stock shall remain unpaid
for sixty days after the time it may be required,
whether such, stock is held by an assignee, transferee
Such stock is
or the original subscriber, the same may be collected