eluding all subscriptions to the stock of either of
said corporations, shall be deemed to be transfered
to and vested in the said Baltimore and Delta Rail-
way Company without any other deed of transfer,
and such new corporation shall hold and enjoy the
same, together with all the rights of way and all
other rights of property in the same manner and to
the same extent, as if the said two corporations, par-
ties to such agreement, should have continued to re-
tain the title and transact the business of such cor-
porations, and the titles and the real estate acquired
by either of said two corporations shall not be deemed
to revert or be impaired by means of anything in
Rights of
this act contained ; provided that all rights of cred-
creditors and
itors and all liens upon the property of either of said
corporations, parties to said agreement, shall be and
hereby are preserved unimpaired, and the respective
corporations shall continue to exist as far as may
be necessary to enforce the same; and provided
further that all the debts, liabilities and duties of
either company shall thenceforth attach to such new
corporation and be enforced from the same to the
same extent and in the same manner as if such debts,
liabilities and duties had been originally incurred by
All subscrip-
it, and that all subscriptions to the stock of either of
said corporations, which shall be acquired by and be-
come vested in the Baltimore and Delta Railway Com-
pany under this act and the agreement aforesaid,
may be collected by the said Baltimore and Delta
Railway Company, as provided for by section seven
of this act.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said Balti-
more and Delta Railway Company, so formed as
aforesaid, their successors or assigns, shall be and are
Created a
hereby created and declared to be a body corporate
body corpor-
and politic by the name and style aforesaid, and by
that name shall and may have perpetual succession,
and be capable in law of purchasing, holding, im-
proving and disposing of property, real, personal
or mixed, for the purposes hereinafter authorized,
and may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded,
answer and defend in all courts of law and equity in
Make, ese-
cute, &c.,
this State, and may make, execute and deliver, or have
deeds, trans-
or cause to be made, executed and delivered to them
fers, &c.
all deeds, transfers, gifts, grants, conveyances, cove-