SEC 2. And be it enacted, That the said district,
Dames' Quarter, number two, shall be entitled to
the benefit of all laws which are now applicable
Benefit of all
and in force in said district, and the said laws are by
this act declared to be in force from the time this
act shall pass until repealed by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the place of hold-
ing elections in said Dames' Quarter District shall
be fixed by the County Commissioners in as central
Place of elec
a place, somewhere in the vicinity of Smith's or Wal-
ker's Store, " St. Peter's," that being about as central
as any suitable place can be obtained for the purpose
holding elections.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the Governor
.shall appoint,
shall appoint one justice of the peace and one regis-
ter of voters for the said Dames' Quarter District,
number two, and the County Commissioners shall
appoint one constable for said district.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the Clerk of the
Furnish suit-
Circuit Court for Somerset county shall furnish a
able book.
suitable book for registration, such as may be re-
quired by law, to be delivered to the register of
voters in said Dames' Quarter District, number two,
and the register of said district shall register therein
Register all
all persons qualified by law to vote in said district
in alphabetical order, and the register of said Tangier
District shall register all the resident voters in that
part of the annexed district in the registration book
of said district, and all other qualified voters resid-
ing therein who shall make application to be regis-
tered, having the legal qualifications.
And it shall be the duty of the officer of registra-
Duty of regis-
tion for said Princess Anne District to erase from
tration officer
the list of qualified voters on the registration book
thereof the names of all persons residing within the
limits of that portion of Princess Anne District,
number one, which has been cut off and annexed to
Dames' Quarter District from the aforesaid Princess
Anne District.
Local laws
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That all local laws now
in force in said district are continued in force, and