AN ACT to divide Dames' Quarter District, num-
ber two, and to annex to said Dames' Quarter Dis-
trict, number two, a portion of Princess Anne
District, number one, in Somerset county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the boundaries of Dames' Quar-
ter District, number two, Somerset county, shall be :
as follows : Commencing for the same at a point on
Boundaries of
Dames' Quar-
ter District.
Tangier Sound, or Monie Bay, known as Dames'
Quarter Creek, and running thence in a southerly
direction across the marsh, said marsh being the
division between Dames' Quarter and Pigeon House
to Monokin River, thence by and with the channel
of said Monokin River to the mouth of Goose Creek,
near the residence of Dr. William E. Waters, thence
by and with the channel of said Goose Creek to the
mouth of a ditch near the head of said creek, thence
by and with said ditch to the county road near the
residence of Thomas Heath, thence by a right line
due north to the county road commonly known as
the Black or Monie Road, thence by and with that
road to the bridge crossing Great Monie Creek,
known as the Waterloo Bridge, thence by and with
said creek to Tangier Sound and the place of begin-
ning. That portion of the said Dames' Quarter Dis-
Portion an-
trict west of the first line mentioned in this act —
viz., the line running from apoint on Tangier Sound or
Monie Bay, as the case may be, to the Monokin River
— is hereby annexed to Tangier District, number
nine, and the inhabitants thereof are by this act en-
titled to all the rights and privileges held or to be
held or enjoyed by the other districts in said county
and the benefit of all local laws applicable to Tan-
gier District.