the peace, two constables and one register of voters
for the said Linganore District, or election district
number nineteen.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
In force.
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 29, 1878.
AN ACT to create a new election district in Prince
George's county, to be known as district number
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That a new district be formed and
New district.
laid out in Prince George's county, to be known as
district number fourteen, whose meets and bounds
Metes and
shall be as follows : Beginning for the same at the
Priest bridge, and running with the county road
west by Collington, on the Baltimore and Potomac
Railroad, and through the farms of John T. Clark,
Sr., Richard W. W. Bowie, C. C. Magruder, Jr.,
Cecelia Cross and George Duale, of D., to Buena
Yista, on the Bladensburg line to Mrs. Friends,
thence north in a straight line between the property
of James B. Smith and Henry Soper to the head of
Beck's branch, thence with said branch to and across
the Beaver Dams branch, thence in a straight north
line to the public road leading from Beltsville to the
Patuxent river at the iron works bridge, thence with
said river to the place of begining.
SEO. 2. And le it enacted, That the voting place
or polls in said district shall be held at Bowie, on
Voting place.
the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the Governor of
Maryland and the County Commissioners of Prince
George's county shall appoint such officers for dis-
Governor and
shall appoint.