held in such bank or incorporated institution owned
Owned in
by residents of this State, shall, for county or muni-
this State.
cipal purposes, be valued to the owners thereof in
the county or city where such owners respectively
reside ; but the taxes assessed for State, county or
municipal purposes, shall be collected from such
bank or incorporated institution, and when so paid,
may be charged by such bank or incorporated in-
May be
stitution to the account of such stockholders re-
SEC. 152. As soon as the State Tax Commissioner
shall have valued and assessed the shares in the sev-
eral banks and other corporations in this State, he
shall certify and return the said valuation to the
Shall certify
Comptroller of the Treasury, who shall at once pro-
and return.
ceed to notify the president, cashier or other proper
officer of such banks or other corporations of the
said valuation and assessment of their shares re-
spectively, by transmitting to such president or other
officer, an account of the State taxes due from such
bank or other corporation under such valuation and
Jnder cover.
assessment, by mail, under cover, fairly directed to
such president or other officer, and shall note in a
book the date of placing in the mail the envelope or
cover containing such account. If no appeal be
taken within thirty days from such transmission, the
said valuation and assessment shall be final, but any
such bank or corporation may within thirty days
after such notification, appeal from such valuation
to the Comptroller of the Treasury and State Treas-
urer, stating in such appeal the reasons and grounds
of such appeal, and said Comptroller and Treasurer
shall consider the same, and if the Comptroller and
Treasurer shall both be of the opinion that such val-
uation and assessment so made by the State Tax
Commissioner is erroneous, and ought to be changed,
Is erroneous.
they shall change the same accordingly, and the val-
uation and assessment so agreed upon by the Comp-
troller and Treasurer shall De final, but if either the
Comptroller or Treasurer shall agree with the State
Tax Commissioner as to the correctness of the valu-
ation so made by him, then such appeal shall be
dismissed, and the original valuation shall be and
remain as the true valuation of such shares, and all
True valua-
laws or parts of laws inconsistent with the provisions
of these sections are hereby repealed.