taxation under the laws of this State or of the
United States.
At time of
SEC. 151. At the time of making the returns of
making re-
stockholders to the County Commissioners and Ap-
peal Tax Court, as required by law, the president or
other proper officer of every bank or other incorpo-
rated institution, shall furnish to the County Com-
missioners of each county in which such bank or other
incorporated institution shall own and possess any
real property, and to the Appeal Tax .Court of Bal-
timore city, if such bank or other incorporated
institution shall own and possess any real property
True state-
in said city, a true statement of such real property
situate or located in such county or city ; and such
real property shall be valued and assessed by said
County Commissioners and Appeal Tax Court
respectively to the said bank or incorporated insti-
Give dupli-
cate certifi-
tution so owning the same ; and said County Com-
missioners and Appeal Tax Court shall give duplicate
certificates of such valuation and assessment to such
president or other officer, who shall transmit one of
such duplicate certificates with his return to the
State Tax Commissioner, and State, county or city
taxes shall be levied upon and paid by such bank or
other incorporated institution on such assessment,
Levied upon
in the same manner as the same are levied upon and
and paid.
paid by individual owners of real property in such
county or city.
Deduct as-
The State Tax Commissioner shall deduct the
sessed value.
assessed value of such real property, according to the
certificates so furnished to him from said County
Commissioners and Appeal Tax Court, from the
aggregate value of the snares of capital stock of such
bank or incorporated institution, and when the val-
uation and assessment of the shares of capital stock
of such bank or incorporated institution shall have
Finally de-
been finally determined and made for State purposes,
the State Tax Commissioner shall certify to the
County Commissioners of each county where any of
the stockholders may so reside, and to the Appeal
Tax Court of Baltimore city, if any of such stock-
holders reside in said city, the assessed value of such
shares of stock after deducting the assessed value of
such real property as aforesaid ; the shares of stock